

FASST Times 4/29/21

Posted by Trent Emmons on Apr 29 2021 at 06:31AM PDT

FASST Times 4/29/21 – this is long, please take the time to read and re-read.

1. Welcome to the 2021 FASST swim team. We are so glad to to have you. The 2021 season, is a little bit different than in recent years. We are only allowed to have half the kids on the team from previous years, because of COVID. We have been doing stroke clinics since September, with half the kids, and everything was successful. Our meets will be much smaller this year, we are not doing relays at the circuit meets. The swim meets, will be much FASSTer. Swimmers will wear mask to enter and exit the pool for practices and meets, each kid will have there temperature taken before they enter the pool. No parents in stands for practices, at least for the 1st few weeks, then it could change (we have done this with our stroke clinics, since September).

2. May Swim Camp – (May Swim Camp is very popular), it helps the kids get ready for the summer swim team, and we have a few spots available. We offer either Mon/Wed or Tue/Thur. Cost is $75 per swimmer. You must register and pay online at our website May swim camp begins the week of May 10 and runs thru May 20th.

Session 1 is from 6:45 PM – 7:35 PM (ages 9 and under)

Session 2 is from 7:25 PM – 8:15 PM (ages 10 and older)

3. Equipment pick up day is Saturday, May 8th from 8:30 AM – 11:30 AM at the FISD pool (must order equipment on or before 10 PM on Wednesday, May 5th)

Required equipment for all practices, stroke clinics & swim camp (fins, goggles, kick boards and a FASST swim suit if you are swimming in meets, not all of our swimmers swim in meets). If you have them, you don’t need to order them, but if you do we sell them. NOTE: You don’t have to order a FASST swim suit if you are not swimming in swim meets.

To order them from FASST, (fins – $25, FASST swim suits – $50, kick boards – $20, goggles – $15, swim cap – $10, mesh equipment bag – $10) you must order them on or before 10 PM on Wednesday, May 5th.

There are 2 ways to order them,
(1) go to this website:

or (2) email coach Trent ( with the following information: swimmers name, age and what they are ordering (for suit size, give us the swimmers waist size)

4. 2021 FASST Summer Swim Team Practice Schedule – Practices begins May 24th (we practice Monday thru Thursday at the FISD Natatorium). Returning members can sign up for practices online, beginning Saturday May 1st, then on Sunday, May 2nd it is open to all FASST swimmers. You stay with the same practice time all summer. If you sign up for 10:00 AM, you stay with 10:00 AM all summer, etc., etc.

The 6:45 PM class is for all kids age 11 and under, who can’t get to practice in the morning because of parents working.

Morning Practice Schedule – 10 AM & 11 AM (sign up online)

Evening Practice Schedule – 6:45 PM (sign up online) & 7:45 PM for ages 12 and older (read below)

7:45 PM there is no sign up for this practice time (the 7:45 PM class is for ages 12 and older, you do not need to register for this. What if my kid age 12 and older wants to practices at 10 AM or 11 AM, no problem, just sign them up for one of those classes. But if your child is age 12 and older, and the the 7:45 PM is okay, you don’t need to do anything but show up for practice at that time, so again no sign up, just show up).

2021 FASST Meet schedule – we are hosting all the swim meets except 2 (they will be in Carrolton) one is on a Friday night which is new for us, but it is what it is. Parents register there kids online for all circuit swim meets, $3,00 per event, per swimmer (this is new for TAAF this year). The deadline to register online for each meet, is at 10 PM on Tuesday night before the meet. EXAMPLE: The meet on Saturday, June 5th, the deadline is 10 PM on Tuesday, June 1st.

Sat, June 5th at Carrollton – outdoor pool, 25 meters

Sat, June 12th at Frisco – indoor pool, 25 yards (this is our intra squad meet, only our team)

Sat, June 19th at Frisco – indoor pool, 25 yards

Fri, June 25th at Carrollton – outdoor pool, 25 meters (our Friday night meet)

Sat, July 3rd at Frisco – no meets this weekend

Sat, July 10th at Frisco – indoor pool, 25 yards (this is our intra squad meet, only our team)

2021 Regional meet in Frisco, will be on Friday, July 16 and Saturday, July 17. If your kid is age 14 and under they must swim and qualify at Regionals to advance to the State Championship Meet.

State Championships – July 29 – August 1st in Corpus Christi, TX

Fans in the stands – for the swim meets. it will not be like it used to be, as of right now, we are allowing 2 parents per family in the stands, as the state opens up, it could change. Anything could change.

Volunteers for meets – we need volunteers for all meets, we will have sign-ups for these, this is one sure way to get to see your child swim at meets. Plus if it weren’t for volunteers, we couldn’t host meets. So make sure to sign up (timers, runners, ready bench, etc). The other alternative we had, was to travel to Denison or Grand Prairie on a Friday night, we turned this down to host our home meets.

If you need anything, do not hesitate to contact one of the FASST BOD members or contact Coach Trent.
Again please re-read the information above, I will also post it on our home page under “News”


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