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FASST Times 4/29/21

Posted by Trent Emmons at Apr 29, 2021 6:31AM PDT ( 0 Comments )

FASST Times 4/29/21 – this is long, please take the time to read and re-read.

1. Welcome to the 2021 FASST swim team. We are so glad to to have you. The 2021 season, is a little bit different than in recent years. We are only allowed to have half the kids on the team from previous years, because of COVID. We have been doing stroke clinics since September, with half the kids, and everything was successful. Our meets will be much smaller this year, we are not doing relays at the circuit meets. The swim meets, will be much FASSTer. Swimmers will wear mask to enter and exit the pool for practices and meets, each kid will have there temperature taken before they enter the pool. No parents in stands for practices, at least for the 1st few weeks, then it could change (we have done this with our stroke clinics, since September).

2. May Swim Camp – (May Swim Camp is very popular), it helps the kids get ready for the summer swim team, and we have a few spots available. We offer either Mon/Wed or Tue/Thur. Cost is $75 per swimmer. You must register and pay online at our website May swim camp begins the week of May 10 and runs thru May 20th.

Session 1 is from 6:45 PM – 7:35 PM (ages 9 and under)

Session 2 is from 7:25 PM – 8:15 PM (ages 10 and older)

3. Equipment pick up day is Saturday, May 8th from 8:30 AM – 11:30 AM at the FISD pool (must order equipment on or before 10 PM on Wednesday, May 5th)

Required equipment for all practices, stroke clinics & swim camp (fins, goggles, kick boards and a FASST swim suit if you are swimming in meets, not all of our swimmers swim in meets). If you have them, you don’t need to order them, but if you do we sell them. NOTE: You don’t have to order a FASST swim suit if you are not swimming in swim meets.

To order them from FASST, (fins – $25, FASST swim suits – $50, kick boards – $20, goggles – $15, swim cap – $10, mesh equipment bag – $10) you must order them on or before 10 PM on Wednesday, May 5th.

There are 2 ways to order them,
(1) go to this website:

or (2) email coach Trent ( with the following information: swimmers name, age and what they are ordering (for suit size, give us the swimmers waist size)

4. 2021 FASST Summer Swim Team Practice Schedule – Practices begins May 24th (we practice Monday thru Thursday at the FISD Natatorium). Returning members can sign up for practices online, beginning Saturday May 1st, then on Sunday, May 2nd it is open to all FASST swimmers. You stay with the same practice time all summer. If you sign up for 10:00 AM, you stay with 10:00 AM all summer, etc., etc.

The 6:45 PM class is for all kids age 11 and under, who can’t get to practice in the morning because of parents working.

Morning Practice Schedule – 10 AM & 11 AM (sign up online)

Evening Practice Schedule – 6:45 PM (sign up online) & 7:45 PM for ages 12 and older (read below)

7:45 PM there is no sign up for this practice time (the 7:45 PM class is for ages 12 and older, you do not need to register for this. What if my kid age 12 and older wants to practices at 10 AM or 11 AM, no problem, just sign them up for one of those classes. But if your child is age 12 and older, and the the 7:45 PM is okay, you don’t need to do anything but show up for practice at that time, so again no sign up, just show up).

2021 FASST Meet schedule – we are hosting all the swim meets except 2 (they will be in Carrolton) one is on a Friday night which is new for us, but it is what it is. Parents register there kids online for all circuit swim meets, $3,00 per event, per swimmer (this is new for TAAF this year). The deadline to register online for each meet, is at 10 PM on Tuesday night before the meet. EXAMPLE: The meet on Saturday, June 5th, the deadline is 10 PM on Tuesday, June 1st.

Sat, June 5th at Carrollton – outdoor pool, 25 meters

Sat, June 12th at Frisco – indoor pool, 25 yards (this is our intra squad meet, only our team)

Sat, June 19th at Frisco – indoor pool, 25 yards

Fri, June 25th at Carrollton – outdoor pool, 25 meters (our Friday night meet)

Sat, July 3rd at Frisco – no meets this weekend

Sat, July 10th at Frisco – indoor pool, 25 yards (this is our intra squad meet, only our team)

2021 Regional meet in Frisco, will be on Friday, July 16 and Saturday, July 17. If your kid is age 14 and under they must swim and qualify at Regionals to advance to the State Championship Meet.

State Championships – July 29 – August 1st in Corpus Christi, TX

Fans in the stands – for the swim meets. it will not be like it used to be, as of right now, we are allowing 2 parents per family in the stands, as the state opens up, it could change. Anything could change.

Volunteers for meets – we need volunteers for all meets, we will have sign-ups for these, this is one sure way to get to see your child swim at meets. Plus if it weren’t for volunteers, we couldn’t host meets. So make sure to sign up (timers, runners, ready bench, etc). The other alternative we had, was to travel to Denison or Grand Prairie on a Friday night, we turned this down to host our home meets.

If you need anything, do not hesitate to contact one of the FASST BOD members or contact Coach Trent.
Again please re-read the information above, I will also post it on our home page under “News”

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2021 FASST Summer Swim Team

Posted by Frisco Amateur Summer Swim Team at Mar 23, 2021 1:57PM PDT

2021 Summer Swim Team Registration – Sign-ups start Wednesday at Please read the VERY important information below, before registering.

• Early registration for non-team members will results in loss of partial refund, (read more below)
OPEN TO PUBLIC: April 11 (if spots remains available – first come first serve)

Registration for returning members only from Wednesday, April 7th until Saturday, April 10th: if you have been on the FASST summer team before or currently in Stroke clinics, you can register starting on Wednesday, April 7th until Saturday, April 10th at 10:00 PM. After Saturday, April 10th, if there are any spots open, we will open registration to the public. As COVID restrictions ease, we might be able to add more swimmers. However, FISD currently is only allowing us to have half the swimmers we had in previous years.

Things will be a little different in 2021. We will have fewer kids than usual, our swim meets will be smaller (which means the meets will not be an all-day event). We will still practice (Mon-Thurs) and swim meets (on Saturdays, maybe (1) Friday), plus regionals and TAAF is planning on having the State meet.

All registration for 2021 Swim Team will be done online. We are not having a REGISTRATION DAY this year, all registrations will be done online. We will have (2) Equipment pick-up days: (Saturday, April 24th and again on Saturday, May 8th) at the FISD pool. These days are only for those who need to get sized for either a suit, fins, kick boards, goggles and swim cap. The fee for the 2021 will be lower than in past years, but will not include a suit, t-shirt, or meet fees. If you need a suit, kick board, fins, goggles or a swim cap, we will send out a link to a site for ordering the equipment.

2021 FASST Summer Swim Team Information:
FEE: $250 per swimmer, everything else is add ons.
Circuit Meets fees: $3.00 per event, per swimmer (new for all teams)
Regional Meet fees: $5.00 per event, per swimmer (new for all teams)
State Meet fees: $7.00 per event, per swimmer (new for all teams)

2021 FASST Summer Swim Team practices begin on Monday, May 24th (Mon-Thur), season ends July 17, for all swimmers not going to the State Swim Meet. Regionals will be July 16 and 17 in Frisco. State will be July 29th – August 1st in Corpus Christi, TX

Practice Times: We will let you know how to schedule your practice time, after the registration is complete. We need to see the numbers of ages signed up, then we will inform you on how to schedule your practice time.

Morning Practice Times: either (9, 10 & 11) or (10 & 11)
Evening Practice times: 6:45 & 7:45

Parents in Stands: This is fluid, and could change week to week, we know that USA swimming doesn’t allow parents in the stands for practices or meets. We are going to allow some parents for the meets (just not sure how many yet, maybe 1 parent per kid, maybe more, maybe less), plus the volunteers (timers, runners, ready bench, etc.). Every host for meets will have different scenarios, we will let you know, when we know. A sure way to see your child swim is to volunteer for the meet!

Please read, if you are NOT a returning FASST swim team member from past years, or not currently in stroke clinics and register before April 10th, we will refund only $200.00 of your $250.00. Yes, that will be a $50.00 fine for registering earlier than you are supposed to. If/when we are able to add additional swimmers, you will have to register at full price again.

We have never had a limit on how many swimmers we can register for our team, but last year we didn’t get to swim, and unfortunately, we do not make the rules. My hope is that everyone who wants to swim can get registered for our 2021 team, and things will open up as the weeks get closer. If you do not get registered in time, please, please do not get mad at me, and please, make sure you add your swimmer to the wait list, as it will be done ( on a 1st come 1st serve). This is out of my control and I do not get to set the numbers.

Coach Trent

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2020 FASST Summer Swim Team is cancelled

Posted by Trent Emmons at May 28, 2020 4:52AM PDT ( 0 Comments )

FASST team, first of all thank you for you patience the past few weeks, and during unprecedented times we are having in 2020 with COVID – 19.

As of information we found out last week and yesterday, we are sad to say we are canceling the 2020 summer swim season.

1. Last week, TAAF cancelled the 2020 State Games of Texas Swim meet.

2. This week, most of the swim teams in our region and around the state cancelled the 2020 season. TAAF teams mostly use city pools and school district pools, many aren’t opening until later in the summer, some are closed all summer.

3. We think the FISD pool will open back up in July. We hope to get back in the water then, either practice, or stroke clinics. Hopefully we will know next week.

As a result of the cancellation of the 2020 season, we will be issuing partial refunds. Partial refunds (70%) will be credited back to all swimmers.

Partial refunds were determined based on suits and shirts and a few other expenses we cannot get back. Suits and shirts are $75 and we are not allowed to take these back. Your patience is appreciated as we work to complete refunds for more than 600 swimmers (we are the largest TAAF swim team in the state). We will begin working on the issuance of refunds immediately; however, completion of this process could take up to June 10th at the latest. Refunds will be credited back to the original payment method during registration (credit card, debit card, etc.). If you have not received your swimmer’s refund by June 10th, please email us to verify your status.

We hope your families have stayed healthy and safe, and we look forward to seeing you back in the pool hopefully in July or when we begin stroke clinics (either August or September). l will keep everyone updated as soon as I know more (I promise).

Also, a HUGE THANKS to our FASST Board of Directors. They meet all year long to plan the summer swim team season. If you see them, give them a big THANK YOU. Meghan Frost, Kay Buchanan, Bob Bray, Brad Cummings, Ginny Lewis, Joel Bakian, Cathy May, Joan Cetera, Bob Bray, Jessika Gustin and Clint McReynolds.

Private lessons – some of our coaches are still doing private lesson, starting next week (see below). They do fill up very FASST. As coaches schedules have changed (some are trying to get other summer jobs, etc), we will update our website as we get days/times from them, so please take a look on our website under “Private lessons”.

Charge for private lessons – is $25 for 30 minutes.

Coach Trent Emmons by appointment only, e-mail at Pool Location 6207 Wilmington Drive (at my home), in Plantation Resort, near Curtsinger, Wester and CHS. Available Tue, Wed and Thur afternoon from 1:30 PM – 2:30 PM and 3:30 PM – 5:30 PM.

Coach Rory Feeney by appointment only. Contact at or 469-500-4154. Available Monday-Friday from 2:00 PM to 6:00 PM. Pool location is 5411 Buena Vista Drive (at my home) in Frisco near Frisco High School and the Ford Center.

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FASST Times 5/9/2020

Posted by Frisco Amateur Summer Swim Team at May 10, 2020 7:46AM PDT ( 0 Comments )

FASST Times 5/9/2020

Hello FASST Nation, I hope everyone is doing well, staying safe and keep social distancing and washing hands.

Lots of questions: Are we going to get to swim? We have no clue, but CDC says swimming is the 1st sport that will begin. When do we start? If we do, we are hoping June 1st or June 8th/15. All of this is still up in the air, during these times, but we want to be ready if we do. Yesterday, the Governor opened up swimming to Texas at 25% capacity, next phase if all goes well, will be 50%, then more as time goes on. My contacts with the City, Chamber of Commerce and FISD, thinks it is 50-50………..but who knows, things change day to day, and are out of our control. (keep your fingers crossed)

1. 1st of all, we are going to distribute suits/shirts and spirit wear for those who have not picked them up yet on Saturday, May 16 (see below).

2. Next week, we will have people register for practice time (an e-mail will explain how to go about it).

3. Stay safe, keep social distancing and washing hands

4. If you want to be a High School Volunteer this summer, please contact Bob Bray our Director for the high School Volunteers at

Bob has forms he would like to send to you ASAP. Give him your name, age and contact information.

5. Thanks for all the phone calls, texts and e-mails…..and we know you are ready for your kid to get in the water and exercise. (keep your fingers crossed)

Suit/shirt and Spirit wear pick-up day – will be Saturday, May 16th at the FISD Natatorium parking lot (from 9:00 AM til 11:30 AM).
If you haven’t picked up suit/shirt or spirit wear – please do so on Saturday, May 16. Most people picked them up during our registration days in February.

For parent’s picking up, we are doing this by appointment only. Sign up before Thursday, May 14th at 10 PM. Please go online at this link and register for a time to pick-up (4 spots per 20 minutes, bring form filled out, you will not get out of the car, we bring suits and shirt to you same thing for “SPIRIT WEAR”. Everyone enter from North 1st street into the natatorium, park on left for suits and shirts. Park on right for Spirit Wear. Just pick a time and only 4 slots per 20 minutes, please show up at the beginning of your time slot, and leave a space in between your car and another car. We will all have on mask and gloves, it should all be very safe.

We will have special rules to abide by on pick-up day. No one getting out of cars, we will bring you stuff to you.
1. Everyone must fill out a form (See attached),
2. If you came to our registration day, we should have your forms, just give us your name.
3. If you haven’t tried on suits/shirts we will do our best guess (just keep the tags on if the size isn’t correct) and we can exchange them later.

Sizes for the forms and 1 form per family, put all kids names and gender on the one form per family (see below)
1. Suits are done by waist size – they should fit pretty tight Sizes: 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32, 34, 36, 38 and 40

2. Shirt sizes – youth small, youth medium (ym), youth large (yl), adult small (as), adult medium (am), adult large (al), adult xl (XL)

Spirit Wear – Frisco Sports Center will bring all items to your car.

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COVID - 19 update 3/31/2020

Posted by Trent Emmons at Mar 31, 2020 9:03PM PDT ( 0 Comments )

April Stroke Clinics are cancelled, we will be giving refunds, just need to work thru several things (How, when ), more information will be sent out by e-mail.
Thanks for being patient.

As you probably aware, FISD is closed thru May 1st due to the COVID-19, we will give any updates concerning FASST as soon as we receive them.  Meanwhile, care for yourself, your family and those around you, and continue to adhere to the preventative measures as recommended by public health officials, such as limiting interaction and practicing social distancing.

Try to reinforce the following in your daily lives

Social distancing Stay 6 feet way from anyone else
Proper hand washing (soap and water for 20 seconds and hand sanitizer in between)
- Washing hands after certain activities,
- Cough and sneeze etiquette (cough into the upper sleeve or use tissue and dispose of it properly)
- Keeping hands away from eyes, nose and mouth

PER FISD Athletic Department
In response to the rapidly changing circumstances surrounding COVID-19 (Coronavirus), all Frisco ISD athletic events have been suspended through May 1. This includes practices as well as open gyms and weight rooms and swimming pool.

Frisco ISD announced today that the suspension of all in-person classes has been extended through May 1 in order to help eliminate the spread of COVID-19 (Coronavirus). The District will continue to utilize eLearning for student instruction.

The District hopes students and families will take this time to care for themselves and their community and adhere to the preventative measures recommended by public health officials. Those preventative measures include limiting interaction and practicing social distancing.

The district will continue to reassess the situation in our community and will seek additional guidance from our local, state and federal agencies, including Collin County Health Services, Denton County Public Health, Texas Health and Human Services, the Texas Education Agency and CDC.